Joseph A. Rollin, Julia Martin del Campo, Suwan Myung, Fangfang Sun, Chun You, Allison Bakovic, Roberto Castro, Sanjeev K. Chandrayan, Chang-Hao Wu, Michael W. W. Adams, Ryan S. Senger, and Y.-H. Percival Zhang (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) Hydrogen (H2) has great potential to be used to power passenger vehicles. One solution to these problems is to distribute and store renewable carbohydrate instead, converting it to hydrogen as required. In this work more than 10 purified enzymes were combined into artificial enzymatic pathways and a high yield from both glucose and xylose to hydrogen was achieved. Also, gaseous hydrogen can be separated from aqueous substrates easily, greatly decreasing product separation costs, and avoid reconcentrating sugar solutions. This study describes high-yield enzymatic hydrogen production from biomass sugars and an engineered reaction rate increase achieved through the use of kinetic modeling. Distributed hydrogen production based on evenly distributed less-costly biomass could accelerate the implementation of the hydrogen economy. READ MORE Abstract (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)