by Helena Tavares Kennedy (Biofuels Digest) … FQPT has been around forever…well, these days over 20 years seems like forever. What started as engineering and manufacturing separation equipment for corn wet milling and pulp and paper applications, FQPT has more recently leveraged wet milling knowledge to develop enhancements for dry-grind ethanol plants.
Second, they have some advanced technology that helps companies convert waste into highly valuable products, like fish feed for the aquaculture industry. Check out the scoop on their technology “Changing the Sugar Paradigm: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Fluid Quip clean sugar technology.”
Lastly, they just announced their largest clean sugar technology order to date. FQPT reached an agreement with White Dog Labs to provide an 18 million bushels/year Clean Sugar Technology to WDL’s first full-scale production plant.
The patented CST technology was developed by FQPT as a bolt-on to dry mill ethanol plants to produce a sugar slip stream that allows diversification of co-products, thus providing additional revenue streams without detracting from existing co-products. The CST system, first commissioned in 2016, leverages many FQPT technologies in the ethanol space. It separates the slurry stream into clean sugar, spent grains, and corn oil. FQPT will provide the CST technology, separation equipment, process engineering, construction oversight, and startup support for the ProTyton plant. READ MORE